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Stormy Daniels affair: the son of a pro-Trump Republican elected official grimaces at the camera in the House of Representatives

Long minutes of grimaces punctuated John Rose’s pro-Trump speech in the American House of Representatives this Monday, June 3. A joke of which the son of the person concerned is at the origin.

This small scene took place when the elected official from Tennessee spoke in support of Donald Trump, recently convicted in the Stormy Daniels Affair. John Rose condemns the New York court’s decision, while his son ridicules the moment behind him. As soon as he noticed he was being filmed, the boy broke into a big smile, only to stick his tongue out and make funny faces. After a moment, tiredly, the six-year-old turned to his toy and let go of the camera’s attention.

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Oblivious to his son’s little circus, the Republican said: “I can’t wait for President Trump to appeal, and I think he will win. In the meantime, House Republicans will do everything they can to expose the tactics of the Biden administration’s Justice Department,” concluding: “I think voters will re-elect Donald Trump.”

John Rose later found out about his boy’s mischief, saying, “This is what I get for telling my son Guy to smile on camera for his little brother,” he said on Twitter.


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