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80th anniversary of D-Day: experience the Normandy landings in real time, this Wednesday from midnight

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of one of the greatest amphibious battles in history, we invite you to experience in real time the events of the Normandy landings, the famous D-Day. From June 5 at midnight to June 6 at midnight, immerse yourself in the intensity and bravery of this decisive military operation thanks to our live commentary article.

Poignant testimonies, historical photographs and film clips will immerse you in the heart of this historic day. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to relive one of the most significant moments of the 20th century, minute by minute.

D-Day: A Misty and Historic Dawn

On June 6, 1944, at dawn, a thick mist covered the beaches of Normandy. It was in this tense atmosphere that one of the most daring and crucial military operations of the Second World War took place: the Allied landings in Normandy, known as D-Day or D-Day.

Planned with extreme detail and secretly prepared for months, the Landings mobilized thousands of warships, landing craft and combat aircraft. Hundreds of thousands of troops from the United States, Britain, Canada and other allied nations converged on the coast of Normandy with one clear objective: to establish a beachhead in Europe occupied by Nazi forces and pave the way for the liberation of the continent.

Operation Overlord: Unprecedented Coordination

The early hours of June 6, 1944 saw the first Allied soldiers land on five designated beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Each beach had its own contingent of troops and specific strategic objectives, but all faced formidable German defenses and difficult terrain.

Omaha Beach went down in history as the deadliest. American troops there faced fierce resistance and an intense barrage of fire upon their arrival. Despite devastating losses, their courage and determination broke through enemy defenses and secured the beach, paving the way for Allied forces to advance inland.

On the other beaches, Allied troops also encountered heavy opposition but managed to establish vital beachheads. The paratroopers, dropped behind enemy lines, played a crucial role in sowing confusion and securing strategic points. Naval forces, meanwhile, provided essential support with their firepower.


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