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The CAQ unveils the results of its non-scientific consultation on mobility in Quebec | All about the 3rd Quebec-Lévis link

The office of the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Geneviève Guilbault, unveiled on Saturday the results of its non-scientific consultation on mobility in the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches.

As the minister herself admitted when this consultation process was launched last spring, these results come from a questionnaire which has no “scientific pretensions”.

In fact, it was possible to answer the questionnaire more than once.

The majority of respondents to this consultation (67%) believe that there is a major mobility problem in the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches.

In addition, two thirds (66%) of them are very or somewhat favorable to the idea of ​​creating a structuring public transport network which would offer various means of travel for transport many people in a comfortable, efficient and attractive way in the Metropolitan Community of Quebec.


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It is in the districts of La-Cité-Limoilou and Sainte-Foy–Sillery–Cap-Rouge that support for a structuring public transport network is the greatest, while it is weaker in La Haute -Saint-Charles, in Lévis and elsewhere on the South Shore. (Archive photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada / Marc-André Turgeon

Regarding cross-shore mobility, 7 out of 10 respondents believe that the construction of an additional link between the two shores that would include public transportation would certainly or probably improve mobility in the region. This support drops to 6 people out of 10 when participants are asked about the benefits of a new link reserved for road transport.

Note that the vast majority (78%) of respondents to this consultation travel mainly by car to get to work or school. Half of them (50%) had never used public transport to travel in the region during the 12 months preceding the consultation.


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Citizens could complete the questionnaire several times.

Photo: Getty Images / Katleho Seisa

Results without scientific value

As soon as the online consultation opened on February 27, experts highlighted the lack of credibility of the exercise undertaken by the CAQ.

Participation in this consultation was voluntary. The results are therefore only representative of the opinions of the participants and not of that of the entire population of the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches.

For people who voted more than once, address analysis IP of respondents made it possible to remove certain duplicates, but Internet users could have circumvented this step by using a VPN, For example. 51,667 questionnaires deemed valid were analyzed out of the 60,038 completed.

This approach therefore does not no scientific credibilityaccording to Jean Dubé, full professor at the Superior School of Territorial Planning and Regional Development at Laval University.

There is no representativeness in this poll. The questions were a bit biased too, so we could already imagine what the results would look like.he explains.

THE CAQ also reveals the results of a scientific survey

In parallel with its non-scientific consultation, the Quebec government also mandated the firm SOM to conduct a scientific survey of the population.

This survey reveals in particular that 46% of respondents, all citizens of Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches, believe that there is a major mobility problem in their region.


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Prime Minister François Legault had promised to consult the population of Quebec on mobility issues the day after his party’s defeat in the by-election in Jean-Talon. (Archive photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada / Sylvain Roy-Roussel

In addition, 69% of them are somewhat or very favorable to the establishment of a structuring public transportation network in the Metropolitan Community of Quebec. Once again, the respondents most in favor of this proposal are residents of La-Cité-Limoilou and Sainte-Foy–Sillery–Cap-Rouge, while it is in La Haute-Saint-Charles that support is the weakest.

On the question of inter-shore mobility, 82% of respondents believe that the construction of an additional road transport link between the two banks which would include public transport would improve mobility in the region, a rate which drops to 38% when they are questioned about the possibility of an exclusively road link.

Note that many respondents (84%) mainly use the car to get to work or school and that 59% of them have not used public transportation to get around during the 12 months. which preceded the investigation.


Data collection was carried out by online survey from 21 at 25 March 2024. This probe counts 1050 respondents, including 744 coming from the Capitale-Nationale and 306 of Chaudière-Appalaches.

The sample was largely drawn (80 %) of the SOM Gold panel, which is essentially made up of people recruited randomly by landline and cell phone. A non-probabilistic external panel was also used to reach certain subgroups of respondents in sufficient numbers.

As part of the sample is non-probabilistic (use of an external panel), the margins of error are presented for information only. For all respondents, the maximum margin of error is 3.3 %, 19 times on 20. It is 3.8 % for the results of the Capitale-Nationale and 6.2 % for the Chaudière-Appalaches results.

Source : MTMD And SOM


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Minister Guilbault assures that the results of her consultations will feed into her thoughts on mobility in the greater Quebec region.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Sylvain Roy Roussel

A survey that provides food for thought, according to Guilbault

For the caucus of the CAQthe results of these consultations demonstrate the importance of mobility issues in the greater Quebec region.

As evidenced by the numerous comments that we received and carefully analyzed, mobility in the Capitale-Nationale and Chaudière-Appalaches regions is a subject that arouses enormous interest. It affects people in their daily lives and brings its share of challenges and concernsdeclares Geneviève Guilbault in a press release.

The results of this consultation will undoubtedly contribute to our reflections on possible solutions to improve mobility in and between the two regions.she concludes.

With the collaboration of Raphaël Beaumont-Drouin


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