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Pasta, pasta yes but….pasta for fishing

A good fisherman must know how to prepare a good paste, often synonymous with good catches; Bruno Garcia, the fishing specialist from Bleu la Rochelle, gives us some preparation secrets

Bruno Garcia in “Au fil de l’eau” answers questions from listeners of France Bleu la Rochelle today Raymond from Saint Vivien would like to take advantage of some recipes for fishing paste. Bruno puts on his apron today to disguise himself as a scullion and heads to the stove to make this dough.

Bruno Garcia : Raymond should have told us if you are thinking of using this paste on the sea side or the river side. I will therefore address the two possibilities and, once again, we will, well more precisely, Jean-Luc will tell me that I am taking too long. I’m taking the risk!

Do you start on the sea side?

Come on, I’ll do it, I’m not in a position to argue! By using paste to fish in ports we will primarily target omnivorous fish and immediately I think of the mullet which is the best example of a fish that eats everything. The base will be wheat flour simply because it is very sticky and it is white. For my part, whether in fresh water or at sea, I have always preferred this neutral color. For the lures too you will notice that a white lure goes everywhere. For the proportions 3 tablespoons of wheat flour you will see that already at the end of this preparation it represents a nice volume of dough, we add an egg white, we put the yolk aside, vanilla sugar, these little sachets of a few grams and sardine oil. This last ingredient is very important even if it is not what will be the most pleasant to handle.

Shall we mix everything?

Yes before adding a little water and it is this last step which is the most delicate. Enough water but not too much, the consistency will be decisive for the success of your fishing trip. Your dough should hold to your hook. So not as much as chewing gum but it must also disintegrate very slowly to be self-priming.


Disintegrate, crumble, the small particles which will gradually detach will have the effect of keeping the fish in place. We will therefore add water gradually until we obtain a dough whose consistency will be close to bread dough, and a little elastic.

So we move immediately to the river side, which freshwater fish will be seduced by the paste?

They are numerous, more numerous than at sea where we mainly have predators. Charcoal, roach, bream, carp, etc. are all fond of these wheat flour mixtures.

Do we stay on the same basis, wheat flour for its stickiness?

Yes, always a homemade product that you can easily make yourself, but also and always wheat flour for this white color. We therefore start as for the mullets with three tablespoons of wheat flour, the small sachet also of vanilla sugar, the egg white and there we deviate a little from the previous recipe. We’re going to add a little anise base. Star anise works very well. We often hear about ricard but as I consume excess dough before driving again, I prefer to avoid it. Once again the advantage of this mixture is that it should hold fairly poorly on the hook and be self-priming. I repeat myself but the small particles of paste which disintegrate with each movement of the line allow you to concentrate and keep the fish on target. We can make a more solid, less “crumbly” dough but it will have less attractive power. The choice is yours!

It really couldn’t be simpler!

If you can buy pasta, those found under the name of pearls. It works very well but it requires you to use tiny hooks that are not necessarily suitable for the fish you are looking for. And then it’s so nice to make this dough, you get yelled at because there’s flour everywhere, because it stuck to the sponge. On this subject, it seems that a black box for couples is arriving on the market. She should be able to exonerate thousands of men. Hello to Patrick, faithful listener, he will recognize himself.


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