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in the Pays de Retz, a collection of expired distress signals

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For the third year, the Pornic agglomeration is organizing, in partnership with the ports of -Atlantique, a collection of used distress signals for boaters, Saturday October 12, port of La Gravette, in La Plaine-sur- Sea.

A free collection of expired hazard lights is organized in La Plaine-sur-Mer on October 12. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES


  • A free collection of expired hazard lights is organized in La Plaine-sur-Mer on October 12. | WEST-FRANCE ARCHIVES

The first two collections were a success. In total, “268 kg of parachute rockets, 308 kg of hand rockets and 130 kg of smoke bombs” had been recovered in 2022. “Last year, we were unable to organize a collection because the processing site with which we work, which is located in Pont-de-Buis-lès-Quimerch, in Finistère, had a technical problem”indicates Maxime Clément, responsible for recycling centers at Pornic Agglo.

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