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Breakfasts delivered to homes in the area by Rotaract, this Sunday, October 13, for the benefit of Voir ensemble

The Rotaract of heart of Beauce is renewing its “Breakfast” operation delivered to your home, this Sunday, October 13, 2024 in the Chartres area, in partnership with Republican Echo. The profits will be donated to the Voir ensemble association.

The Rotaract of Chartres, heart of Beauce, is offering to bring you your breakfast on a tray, this Sunday, October 13, and for a good cause.

The service club is renewing its “P’tits déj” operation, in partnership with Republican Echoentirely for the benefit of the Voir ensemble association. The latter acts on a daily basis for the inclusion and promotion of visually impaired people.

160 baskets in May

The principle is simple: everyone can register, until this Friday, October 11 at midnight, in order to choose their breakfast formula (single, duo or family) at different prices and delivered by the members of the association, Sunday morning, between 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., in part of the Chartres area.

Meryen El Maymouny, president of Rotaract, specifies: “We are mobilized for this operation which is important. The profits will make it possible to finance an end-of-year trip for the members of the association. It will be a moment of discovery, sharing and of well-being.”

Breakfasts delivered to your home by the Rotaract of Chartres, Sunday May 26, for the benefit of the Pink Blouses

During the last edition of this “P’tits déj” operation, in May 2024 for the benefit of the Pink Blouses, the Rotaract of Chartres heart of Beauce delivered more than 160 baskets to homes.

Each basket, priced at €7 (simple formula), includes a pain au chocolat, a croissant, half a baguette, all from the Bruna de Lucé bakery, but also a bag of Dammann tea and Republican Echo of the day. For an additional €4.50, it is also possible to treat yourself to a little extra treat, as an option: a pot of honey from beekeeper Matthieu Pohu, based in Bailleau-le-Pin.

Practical. You can choose your breakfast option until this Friday, October 11 at midnight, at or on the website -breakfasts-05-29-2024/1. Different formulas: simple, €7?; duo: €14 or family, €28. A pot of honey from beekeeper Matthieu Pohu offered with the purchase of a family pack.
Municipalities served: Chartres, Lucé, Mainvilliers, Lèves, Champhol, Saint-Prest, Le Coudray, Luisant, Morancez, Barjouville, Ver-lès-Chartres, Thivars, Fontenay-sur-Eure, Nogent-sur-Eure, Saint-Georges- sur-Eure, Amilly, Gellainville, Corancez, Berchères-les-Pierres, Sours, Nogent-le-Phaye.

Simon Dechet


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