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Corsica’s ports and airports blocked by a spontaneous social movement

Thursday afternoon, all four airports and six ports in Corsica were blocked following a social movement initiated by the Corsican Workers’ Union (STC). This blockage occurs in reaction to the State’s recent reluctance regarding the management of the island’s infrastructure by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Corsica. The autonomist president of the Executive Council of Corsica, Gilles Simeoni, described the state’s position as a “declaration of war”.

Corsica paralyzed: strike of ports and airports by the STC

This movement followed the cry of anger on Thursday, from the autonomist president of the Executive Council of Corsica, Gilles Simeoni, in the face of the reluctance expressed by a representative of the prefect of Corsica on a device allowing the Chamber of Commerce to continue to manage airports and ports of the island. “It’s a declaration of war” by the state, he considered. According to the STC, these blockages come after the “unacceptable announcement” of Alexandre Patrou, Secretary General for Corsican Affairs (Sgac), who expressed doubts on Thursday about the creation of two open mixed unions (SMO) port and airport of here the end of the year. These unions had to grant concessions to the island CCI so that it could continue to manage the island’s ports and airports from January 1, 2025. Citing a “legal risk” in this arrangement, explaining that this could not circumvent the obligatory call for tenders for public contracts.

This announcement immediately aroused the anger of Gilles Simeoni, who denounced a State decision taken “on the sly, without consultation” and in violation of previous commitments. For him, the proposed system made it possible to ensure the management of ports and airports efficiently while guaranteeing jobs. The blockade led by the STC is therefore a direct response to what it considers to be a change of heart on the part of the State.

A total paralysis of infrastructure

The STC union delegate, Laurent Filippi, confirmed to AFP that “all ports and airports in Corsica are blocked”. This includes the cancellation of all flights and the cessation of port activities. A voice message broadcast at -Poretta airport also confirmed the cancellation of departing flights, which caused a paralysis of transport on the island.

At the heart of this crisis are major challenges for Corsica, particularly in terms of the management of its strategic infrastructures. The CCI, already under increased surveillance by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) after “serious failures” in terms of security at airport, risks losing its role in the management of these infrastructures if the The State insists on public calls for tenders. This prospect raises serious concerns for the future of jobs and the effective management of island transport infrastructure.

Towards an escalation of tensions?

Very angry, Gilles Simeoni denounced this “decision that the State has just announced today, on the sly, without warning us and by denying its commitment and its word”.

“If the State respects its commitments”, these mixed unions “will entrust the operation of ports and airports to the CCI by way of concession and this solution guarantees efficiency and employment”, he detailed. “If the State goes back on its word, we will not accept it,” he insisted.

In April, the prefect of Corsica recalled the “serious failures” repeated since the end of 2022 at Ajaccio airport in terms of passenger and baggage screening. To “urgently remedy” this, the CCI was placed under reinforced surveillance by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation from April 9.


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