DayFR Euro

Tension in Goma after the murder of the director of Radio Maria

High tension reigns this Saturday, September 28 in the city of Goma, capital of the province of North Kivu, after the murder, the day before in the evening, of the director of Radio Maria, Edmond Mondja.

Troubles began Friday evening in the Ndosho neighborhood after three armed men coldly shot dead the director of the local branch of a Catholic radio station in the street while he was on his way to his home.

The death of this media man also caused turmoil within the local press, but also the anger of civil society activists.

The technical secretary of the provincial coordination of civil society, Placide Nzilamba, says he is outraged by this “villainous” act and regrets the “inaction” of the security services to put an end to the growing insecurity in the city of Goma.

The murder of Edmond Mondja comes 24 hours after those of two other residents of the Ndosho and Mugunga districts. Which could explain the scuffles which broke out Friday evening in Ndosho.

Fatal accident raises tension

This Saturday, these troubles were exasperated by a traffic accident which caused the death of a motorcyclist in the morning. The incident occurred at the “Signers” roundabout in the center of the city.
Angry bikers blocked, until midday, the main road at the intersection commonly known as “Instigo”. No taxis or buses operate in the city.

According to initial information, the deceased motorcyclist was driving the children to school when, through a wrong turn, he collided with a bus coming from the south of the city which was traveling at high speed.

Witnesses on site claim that the motorcyclist died on the spot while the children he was taking to school were thrown from the motorcycle at the time of the collision. Having fallen off the road, these children are alive.

For the moment, all activities around Instigo and Signers are paralyzed. The demonstrators violently attack taxi and bus drivers who try to circulate.
Which makes traffic difficult for the moment.


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