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“No sign of life from my brother since October 7,” they testify in

Tamir Nimrodi was off duty on the evening of October 7, 2023, near Gaza, but he volunteered to replace a friend. He was kidnapped, like 250 others in southern Israel, after the bloody incursion of hundreds of men sent by the Hamas terrorist movement.Tamir is my eldest son, he was 18 years old at the time, a soldier, but not a fighter. Someone intelligent, sensitive who is greatly missed by his two little sisters” breathes Alon, his father.

Avinathan Or was partying that night with his girlfriend, Noa Argamani, at the Supernova festival near Kibbutz Reim. While Noa has since been rescued, Avinathan remains missing, among the roughly 100 hostages Hamas is still holding in Gaza.Avinathan is an electrical engineer, he likes to party, cook and travel, seems to recite his brother, Moshe. We haven’t had any sign of life since October 7th. We were hoping that Noa would give us some, but they were separated immediately after being kidnapped.

Moshe, like Alon, has the gaze, both empty and determined, of those who cling to a tenuous inner thread.That of telling ourselves that they are alive and that as long as they are not freed, we will have the hope of seeing them again. That is what keeps us going“, they say in an exhausted voice. Their gestures, their steps are automatic.

“The hope of seeing them alive again is what keeps us going.”

All around, however, this Tuesday evening at the great synagogue on rue Breteuil in , we hear words of love and support, we see them carried by the eyes, by the words of the mayor, Benoît Payan, of the representatives of the Region and the Department and by a wider community.Time is running out and we have no right to abandon them. Our duty is to bring back alive these hostages who live in icy anxiety.“, summarizes Meir Laloum who accompanies Alon and Moshe. Representative in of the “Hostage Forum”, he serves as guide and translator for these two men who, rather than demonstrating in Tel-Aviv on Saturday, have chosen to act differently. “I participate by traveling the world, meeting leaders and the media.“, Alon says, specifying that “It is important that this subject is not political.“.

Moshe, himself, calls for “to put pressure on the hostages to be released through social media, by speaking out. Going to the hostage square in Tel Aviv is very hard for us. There is a lot of emotion“So, tirelessly, they bear witness.

Our life ended 345 days ago, with that of the hostages on October 7th.“, relays Natacha Lellouche. With her father Bruno, they created “Netsah” which means “eternity” in Hebrew, from the tragic weekend. It is their network, armed with 4,000 volunteers, which brought Moshe Or and Alon Nimrodi to this weekend, then to Marseille yesterday, before they returned to Israel for the ceremonies of the tragic anniversary.

Netsah also sent medicines, clothes, organized summer camps”for children from families in need“and continues to collect donations.”The aim of bringing in the families of the hostages is to give a voice to those who have been silenced in unspeakable conditions, underlines Fabienne Bendayan, the president of Crif Marseille Provence. Our community suffered in its flesh with them and needs to tell them, to share their suffering.“It seems unfathomable.


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