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Death of Kamilya, 7, in : “The biker reared up his motorbike”, what video surveillance reveals about the circumstances of the tragedy

The CCTV footage of the motorbike just before the accident was released on Tuesday morning, September 17, almost three weeks after a tragedy that cost the life of 7-year-old Kamilya.

On August 29, Kamilya was hit by a motorcycle and lost her life in a fatal accident in in the Alpes-Maritimes. BFMTV obtained the CCTV footage just before the motorcycle killed the little girl. Our colleagues also have the police observations.

On the pictures “We can see the motorcycle with its light on, which suggests that the motorcycle has its two wheels on the ground” but a few seconds later “the motorcycle’s light is no longer visible, the motorcyclist has reared up his motorcycle.”

The police explain in their observations that “we can see that his handlebars are no longer in line with the rear wheel, suggesting that he is maneuvering to keep his motorcycle stable”. Then contradicting the version of Mattéo, the biker, who assured the court of an involuntary rear wheel.

Phone while driving and bag missing

Before he decides to overtake, the police observe that Mattéo “seems to be looking at something because he lowers his head and holds an object in his left hand then he lowers his hand towards his leg”suggesting the presence of the phone while driving his vehicle. The young man assures that his phone was on his handlebars and that he just had “an unconscious gesture”.

Mattéo worked for Uber Eats, a food delivery service, but no longer works there, which was corroborated by the police who looked through his phone. He kept this bag and was using it on the day of the accident to carry things, a bag that has not been found since. He justifies himself by saying that he put it on the ground after the accident. No one has ever found it.


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