water will continue to go up in the coming hours, which you need to know


Laurène Fertin

Published on

Jan 26, 2025 at 7:10 p.m.

400 people evacuated, 750 firefighters mobilized and mobilized, 600 concrete blocks distributed to residents to raise the furniture of homes … in the department of Ille-et-Vilaine, rivers significantly overwhelmed on Saturday January 25, 2025.

And according to the prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine, during a press conference held this Sunday, January 26, The decline is not on the agenda. On the contrary : a new peak is expected this night and in the day of tomorrow, Monday, January 27.

“All services are in standby”

“During the night (From Saturday 25 to Sunday 26 January, editor’s note), we have experienced a tray, accompanied by a lull which has extended during the day of Sunday, “says Jean-Christophe Boursin, sub-prefect of permanence for the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine. “But due to the rains this afternoon and those expected this night, increases in watercourses will be effective in the night and tomorrowMonday January 27. »»

To cope with this next rise in waters, ” All services are in standby“, Ensures Jean-Christophe Boursin.

The firefighters have pre-positioned nautical means for the next few hours and the coming days.

Jean-Christophe Boursin
Permanence sub-prefect for the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine
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In total, 11 communes have activated Communal backup plans : , Betton, Guichen, Bruz, Pacé, Noyal-Châtillon, Guipry-Messac, Vern-sur-Seiche, Chavagne, Saint-Grégoire and Thorigné-Fouillard.

The prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine organized a press briefing at 5 p.m., Sunday January 26, 2025, in order to discuss the situation of floods by the coming hours. From left to right: Julien Lemariéhead of the risk prevention center and crisis management of the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea (DDTM), Mathieu MalfaitDeputy Departmental Director of Firefighters of Ille-et-Vilaine, Jean-Christophe Boursin sub-prefect and Cyrille Morelassistant to the mayor of Rennes. )

A “very slow” decline

According to Vigicrues, in its latest bulletin published at 4 p.m., the rivers in the department are in vigilance orange – Except the ugly downstream, which is in yellow vigilance. “These forecasts are made at 24 hours; There are no forecasts beyond, because they remain sensitive, ”specifies Julien Lemarié, head of the risk prevention pole and crises management of the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea (DDTM).


One thing is certain: The Decrue won’t be for now.

We will have several days of difficulties before us. The decline will be very slow.

Jean-Christophe Boursin
Permanence sub-prefect for the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine

Thus, and for the moment, the rivers will be in “an upward trend”. And if the Redon sector remains in yellow vigilance, “when all the reindeer water will evacuate, it will also change orange vigilance,” said the sub-prefect.

The Ille and Rance canal, at the Saint-Martin lock, overflows. )

No victim

Since 7 a.m. this Sunday morning, 164 calls were passed to firefighters, “Requiring a Fifty interventions due windsiness and combined rain, trendy and evacuated On the preventive territory to prevent them from finding themselves in difficulty within homes, ”explains Mathieu Malfait, Deputy Deputy Director of Firefighters of Ille-et-Vilaine. For now, no victim is not to be deplored.

This brutal flood, which evolves slowly but surely, has not been seen for at least “30, 40 years”, says Jean-Christophe Boursin.

These are floods that Rennais have not seen since 1981, or 2001. These events come back every 20, 30 years.

Jean-Christophe Boursin
Permanence sub-prefect for the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine

The one we know currently is explained by already high rivers et Water -fired floors. ” In urban environment, Water levels increase faster than in plain or rural environment, ”says Jean-Christophe Boursin. “On the rest of the department of Ille-et-Vilaine, mainly the South, the episode is of the same level as that of January 9 Last but it seems that the water levels are significant downstream. »»

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