Follow the third and last day of Aspen’s X Games live video. Andri Ragettli will play the Big Air while Sarah Höfflin will be engaged in a slopestyle.
New chance of medal for Andri Ragettli at the X Games. After the Slopestyle money, the Grison will be engaged during the Big Air which will close the festivities in Aspen. The Geneva Sarah Höfflin goes in search of a metal during the slopestyle.
All competitions can be followed here:
The program (Swiss hours):
Ski Slopestyle dames – 23h00
-Snowboard Street Style dames – 00h30
SuperPipe snowboard dames – 3h30
Men’s Ski Ski Superpipe – 5:00 a.m.
Big Air Ski Men – 6:30 am