Saturday January 25, 50’ Inside offers an exclusive meeting with Florent Pagny, who is preparing to return to his coaching chair in The Voice after a two-year absence due to his fight against lung cancer. In 2022, Florent Pagny announced that he was suffering from this disease, which led him to withdraw from the media scene to undergo treatment. After several months of struggle and phases of remission, the singer recently gave reassuring news about his state of health. He told Télé-Loisirs “There, everything is fine. Every three months, a doubt may arise, because I have medical examinations. Fingers crossed it will go well.“
On February 1, Florent Pagny will make his comeback in the fourteenth season of The Voicealongside Vianney, Zaz and Patrick Bruel. This return is marked by a moving trailer broadcast by TF1where we see Pagny performing “Caruso”, surrounded by his fellow coaches. In a recent interview with Tele-Leisurehe said: “I didn’t think I would be able to return to The Voice until next year. I took a break because I don’t like routine and the desire came back, but the production disrupted my plans. Ultimately, it’s better this way because with a new album and a tour planned for 2026, I will have less time.“
An intimate portrait in 50′ Inside
In the show broadcast this Saturday, Isabelle Ithurburu offers an immersion into the world of Florent Pagny, looking back on the highlights of his career, his personal challenges and his future projects. Viewers will be able to discover little-known aspects of the artist and share his enthusiasm for his reunion with the public. Don’t miss this unique meeting with Florent Pagny, Saturday January 25 at 5:50 p.m. on TF1.