“A extremely rare event! »… An albino turtle is born in Drôme

“A extremely rare event! »… An albino turtle is born in Drôme
“A extremely rare event! »… An albino turtle is born in Drôme

Pink notebook on the Ferme aux Crocodiles de Pierrelatte in Drôme. During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the animal park teams had the chance to attend the birth of an albino red belly turtle. “A extremely rare event! “Has the park on its Facebook page.

Known under the learned name of Emydura Subglobosa, the red belly turtle, which is from the rivers of Australia and New Guinea, is not in itself a rare species since it is sold in certain pet stores. But the birth of an individual albino if. “As rare as a vegetarian crocodile”, ironize teams from the animal park. According to Bleu Drôme Ardècheit would be the first birth of this type in captivity in France.

No exposure to UV because too sensitive to light

Not having any first name yet, the baby turtle will now be brooded by the caregivers of the park. Like any animal suffering from albinism, it is indeed very sensitive to light and cannot therefore be exposed as its fellows with UV rays.


Instead, the teams will feed him for his growth “with food supplements which will allow him to better have calcium, calcium directly assimilable”, specifies to our colleagues Antoine Soler, head of the zoological pole of the park.




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