Faced with the magnitude of the phenomenon, the municipality has taken measures.
Credit : City of Saint-Chély d’Apcher
It is used in particular in whipped cream siphons or for medical anesthesia, nitrogen oxide also called hilarious gas is regularly diverted to its euphoric effects. A bill to limit the sale to cooking or health professionals was examined earlier this week in the National Assembly. In Saint-Chély d’Apcher, (Lozère) The nitrogen oxide cylinders were the subject in November 2024 ofA municipal decree prohibiting its detention, its use and its abandonment on the public roads. Municipal police had discovered fifteen empty candies in the space of three weeks. Mayor Christine HUGON.
“By doing his tours, our municipal police found that there were young people who consumed this nitrogen oxide. When I say young, it can go up to 25, 30 years, but not young students. The police were brought to surveillance a little more in -depth. And we have chosen to publish on social networks and to publish information in the press to attract the attention of young people, which in our rural areas are sometimes more fragile vis-à-vis this risk, to make them aware of the danger that ‘He may have. The police were very responsive, the phenomenon has stopped or at least it is less at the sight of people.“
L‘Repeated inhalation of this gas can cause lesions of bone marrow and nervous system, severe neurological, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, according to the French Drug Observatory and Drug Addiction (OFDT).
This gas is already prohibited for sale for minors. A proposal for prohibition for sale to non -professional individuals was examined this Tuesday, January 21 in the National Assembly. Christine Hugon is rather favorable.
“Favorable yes, we must always legislate, but you have to be careful because this nitrogen oxide is not used only to these ends by young people, it can have other uses. So it’s very difficult to Prohibit it. Perhaps we could put instructions. Whoever buys nitrogen oxide, pays a instruction the first time and brings back his empty bomber. Sometimes it can limit use. The merchant who will sell it may be more careful. If it is a young person who regularly comes to buy it, the seller can be more attentive to it. ”