Blue Monday: this anti-depression remedy for most singles

Blue Monday: this anti-depression remedy for most singles
Blue Monday: this anti-depression remedy for most singles

Every year it’s the same song, the third Monday in January is considered “the most depressing day of the year”. In reality, behind this concept lies a sales and marketing operation, commissioned by the airline Sky Travel in 2005, with the aim of encouraging people to book trips to boost their morale. If “Blue Monday”, which falls on January 20 this year, is in no way the most depressing day of the year, winter depression, marked by the cold and lack of sunlight, can affect mental health. . In this context, and in the middle of “cuffing season”, more than half of singles need something new.

Swap “Blue Monday” for “Solace Day”

After the holidays, winter seems endless, low temperatures set in, and can lead to a feeling of loneliness, especially among single people. In fact, 71% of them find that the month of January is a more difficult month to get through than the others, according to a new study conducted by Ipsos for Meetic. This observation is all the more marked in certain regions, such as the North (85%) and Île-de- (77%), where sunny days are becoming rarer.

According to this survey, carried out among a panel of 1,000 people aged 25 to 49 throughout France, for 57% of singles, the month of January is synonymous with the need for comfort. Thus, 63% of those surveyed say that meeting new people helps turn a difficult day into a smoother one. Also, more than half of them (52%) think that January is one of the periods when they are most likely to meet new people.


Read also >> Our tips for surviving Blue Monday for each astrological sign

Intimate evenings, cozy discussions: what singles like in winter

For 34% of respondents, the more intimate and cocooning side is the charm of winter meetings. For 28% of them, it is the fact of chatting in the warmth of indoors, while for 22% of respondents, it is the magic of winter evenings that bring comfort during this freezing period.

Among the qualities that make a comforting encounter in winter so charming, singles rely on honesty (41%) and humor (41%) equally, kindness (36%) and complicity (35%). . What better way to find a smile and warm hearts?



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