A video has gone viral on social networks since Friday January 17, 2025. It reveals shocking scenes of a violent clash between two groups. This incident, which also involves a blue 2×4, sparked outrage and reignited discussions about tensions in the region. The problem is that it is not recent. According to the Défi Plus cross-checks, it took place at the end of December 2023 in an alley in the village of Canot, in Albion. The video shows a fight between two groups, followed by a scene where the driver of the vehicle deliberately drives into a group of individuals. Shortly after, angry people surrounded and ransacked the 2×4. This fight left several people injured. The matter had even been reported to the Albion police. “An tan ki madam, nou ti al tire. We are hurt. Vann la so bwat debreyaz ti koupe. Lerla mem ti ariv sa insidan la,” testifies a woman who was present and who is still upset about it today. Seeing these images again on social media brings back unpleasant memories. She discovered the video by chance on TikTok: “Nou ti pe get TikTok ler nounn sorted travay. Lerla nounn nek al found sa. Nou mem nounn soke. »