The rising oligarchy in the United States | JDQ

The rising oligarchy in the United States | JDQ
The rising oligarchy in the United States | JDQ

If there was one thing that emerged from Joe Biden’s farewell speech, it was the danger that American democracy would be replaced by an oligarchy.

An oligarchy is a political system where power is in the hands of a few wealthy and powerful families.

In this regard, the United States is not there yet, especially among the states that make up the American federation. As a general rule, the more regional and smaller the institutions, the more vibrant and healthy democracy is.

But for the federal state, it’s something else. An oligarchy is really taking hold there.

Oligarchy in Washington

Congress and the Supreme Court are in the hands of Donald Trump. But this does not yet constitute an oligarchy.

The Republican Party is almost completely controlled by Trump. He makes the elected officials of his party tremble. But this is also not enough to decree that power becomes oligarchic.

What is really worrying is that Trump has attracted around ten multi-billionaires to his team and given them important positions.

Elon Musk, first of all, will have the right to life or death over the careers of civil servants. He and Trump will be able to appoint their friends to key public administration positions as they wish.


In 2001, another leader did the same thing: Thaksin Shinawatra, who had just been elected prime minister of Thailand.


The result was catastrophic. Corruption skyrocketed in the civil service and the companies of the prime minister and his friends raked in profits about 150% higher than those of other companies.

Information filtering outside the Trumpist camp suggests that the transformation of the public service that Trump is seeking could lead to the same effects. And this kind of effect is found in oligarchic regimes.

Pay more

In other words, public services are diverted or cut off. Then, when honest citizens need these services, they must turn to the private sector, which sells them at exorbitant prices.

In this system, citizens pay less tax, but their assets are siphoned off by private companies, whose thirst for money knows no bounds. This is also a characteristic of an oligarchic regime. A characteristic which is already partly visible in the United States, but which should be strengthened under Trump.

More dangerous

However, the most dangerous part of the oligarchy that Biden fears is not there.

Biden finds that a small number of super-rich people control several digital platforms as well as major artificial intelligence programs. Meanwhile, the influence of traditional media is diminishing.

This control can allow a few oligarchs to manipulate a significant part of public opinion as they wish.

However, without varied and quality information, democracy ceases to be possible.



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