Sexual harassment: the HES-SO takes measures

Sexual harassment: the HES-SO takes measures
Sexual harassment: the HES-SO takes measures

The results of a survey into sexual harassment at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO) reveal that just over a quarter of students and staff have experienced sexist remarks. The institution will strengthen control measures.

The survey commissioned by the HES-SO was carried out by the MIS Trend institute among the entire student body and staff, i.e. around 42,000 people, the HES-SO indicated on Thursday in a press release. Respondents were asked whether these situations had been experienced or observed during the last 12 months or previously.

The results confirm that the HES-SO, like society as a whole, is not spared from this phenomenon, underlines the HES-SO. The most serious cases, i.e. touching, offers of advantages in exchange for sexual favors, revenge porn, rape and attempted rape, concern a little less than 4% of the total people who responded.



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