sharp increase in deaths and “very high hospital activity”

sharp increase in deaths and “very high hospital activity”
sharp increase in deaths and “very high hospital activity”

The winter flu epidemic intensified in cities in and generated a “very high hospital activity” and one “clear increase in deaths” the second week of the year, announced Public Health France, Wednesday January 15.

The week from January 6 to 12 was marked by a “marked severity of the epidemic”which reached a “high level of intensity in all age groups”according to the weekly bulletin published by the health agency.

The dynamics diverge according to age groups: influenza has progressed in primary care among those under 65, particularly children; it slowed slightly among people aged 65 and over.

611 deaths over one week

In hospitals, visits to emergency rooms and hospitalizations of children under 5 years old for flu or influenza-like illness have increased significantly. But those of people in all other age groups have fallen, while remaining at “a very high level of intensity”.

The share of deaths with a mention of flu among all electronically certified deaths continued to increase (7.3%, compared to 5.9% the previous week), “indicating a marked severity of the epidemic”. This represents 611 deaths in the week ending January 12.

This share of deaths due to influenza even climbs to 12.4% in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, 9.4% in the Grand-Est, 9.2% in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and 7.9%. in Hauts-de-France and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, said the health agency.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers More severe and early flu epidemic puts hospital under pressure

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