Sunday January 12, 2025, TF1 shared the story of Anne, a fifty-year-old victim of a scammer posing as Brad Pitt on social networks. This Tuesday, January 14, 2025, faced with the cyberharassment of which she is a victim, she decided to respond to her detractors in Legend.
A scathing response. In the last episode of Seven to Eight broadcast on TF1 on Sunday January 12, 2025, Harry Roselmack spoke of the ordeal of Anne, a 53-year-old French woman who was the victim of a scammer posing as Brad Pitt on social networks.
Newly registered on the social network Instagram to share photos of her family vacations, the fifty-year-old was unable to detect the deception of the scammer, who was sending her photographs and videos made using artificial intelligence. Convinced of being in contact with the Hollywood star, Anne was gradually manipulated, until she lost the sum of 830,000 euros. “I had someone in front of me who was interested in me and my work, because my own husband wasn’t even interested in my work. It’s like I lived alone”explained the victim in the report broadcast in Seven to Eight.
“That’s not the story at all.”
If the 53-year-old woman agreed to share her experience with the aim of alerting other potential victims of online scams, her testimony did not have the desired effect. Indeed, after learning Anne’s story, the French rushed to social networks to attack her naivety. And certain public figures, such as Karine Le Marchand, participated in the mockery. Faced with the large number of negative reactions, TF1 even decided to delete the report.
Anne therefore decided to respond to her detractors. In a video shared on Youtube this Tuesday January 14, 2025 as part of the show Legend presented by Guillaume Pley, the mother pointed the finger at the editorial staff of Seven to Eightbut also those who criticized her on social networks.
“You can’t judge how I fell for this scam”explained Anne first, subsequently indicating that she was “angry” against TF1 and Seven to Eight. “We only remember one thing from this report, which is: “Anne was in love with a fake Brad Pitt’. That’s not the story at all.”she said, before announcing to Internet users: “See you soon, because we will see each other again very soon”. She’s not done yet.