Nicolas Sarkozy’s trial opened this Monday, December 6. The former President of the Republic is this time being prosecuted for “passive corruption, illegal financing of an electoral campaign, criminal association and concealment of embezzlement of Libyan public funds”. He appears alongside former ministers including Claude Guéant and Brice Hortefeux. He faces up to ten years in prison and a fine of 375,000 euros. His lawyer, guest of RTL, remains calm: “There is nothing in the file”.
“It is very impressive to see that we have a file of alleged financing of an electoral campaign by Libya while there is not the slightest trace of a transfer or payment made with money that would come from Libya”, deplores Me Christophe Ingrain, Nicolas Sarkozy’s lawyer, guest on RTL. He describes his client as “extremely combative” and ready to “defend like a lion”because “for him, this accusation is extremely serious”.
“It’s an empty accusation. He experiences it as a test as we speak or on the contrary as a liberation. He experiences it as the moment when he is going to finally being able to explain yourself in court which is not polluted by this totally vague theory of financing of the electoral campaign by Libya. It’s a theory that was born like that, with a snap of the fingers,” denounces the lawyer.
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