A cake worth gold! Since January 1, the Saint-Chaptes bakery has relaunched its original competition: a 5-gram gold bar, estimated at more than 440 euros, is up for grabs among the cakes and kingdoms sold.
At the start of each year, gluttony takes on the appearance of a treasure hunt in Saint-Chaptes! The “Un éclair de Jenny” bakery is renewing its competition which is already making king cake lovers salivate. This year again, until January 31, 2025, one lucky winner will walk away with a 5 gram gold bar. The value of the latter is estimated between 440 and 460 euros, depending on the evolution of world gold prices.
Oranized in partnership with the Comptoir national de l'or, this approach revives an old tradition from the 18th century, when gold coins were hidden in the cakes of kings, particularly in the wealthiest households. In recent years, Le Comptoir national de l'or has already awarded, through this competition, an authentic gold coin as well as a 5 gram ingot.
The principle is simple: for each cake or kingdom purchased, participants get a chance to win the ingot. “This year again, gluttony could not be a bad fault, but bring you a beautiful gift,” confides the bakery enthusiastically. An original way to celebrate Epiphany!
-So why not try your luck?
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