The Cahors Blues Festival returns to the spotlight on a new site which will make the Lot River look like a Mississippi

the essential
Blues fans trembled as they wondered about the hitherto very uncertain return of the Cahors Blues Festival and its sustainability in the Lot cultural landscape. The news has just fallen: the festival clearly announces its return on July 10, 11 and 12, 2025. Its president, Robert Mauriès, specifies what its new location will be and lifts a corner of the veil on its intentions in terms of programming . The blues is finally coming out of the shadows. Light !

Facing financial difficulties and constraints that are difficult to overcome in the face of the desire to offer high-quality programming, the organizers of the Cahors Blues Festival have done everything to get their heads above water in the year 2025. This is in order to to revive a festival for which many did not give much of its skin. Enough to give a good boost to chase away the blues of those who have rolled up their sleeves with fidelity and loyalty for four decades for the success and survival of this event.

A new address for the stages and the festival village

As president of this emblematic cultural event in Cahors, Robert Mauriès, passionate to the tips of his nails, could not let go of his team of volunteers, his historic partners and an audience awaiting the musical magic of the blues . Yes, an audience that held its breath.

Robert Mauriès and Marie Do: the president and a loyal volunteer.
Photo J.-L.G

End of suspense. “The festival will return during the summer of 2025. Precisely on July 10, 11 and 12. The big news this year will be our installation location. We are moving to the Espace Valentré. Everything will happen in the room and outdoors We plan to maintain the blues village. It will be set up on the edge of Espace Valentré and probably on the banks of the river. our prices” explains Robert Mauriès.

A little air of Mississippi on the banks of the Lot River

Ah the Lot River! Certainly it is not Mississippi, one of the cradles of the blues, but this bucolic setting will add charm to a festival which really needs to regain color. For this, Robert Mauriès is counting on first-rate programming. It promises quality.

The public is waiting for the return of a festival they love.
Photo J.-L.G

By settling on the banks of the Lot, the Cahors Blues Festival is, in a certain way, returning to its roots because, in its beginnings, it breathed this same air, then came to know the site of Caviole, Place Bessières and finally the De Gaulle car park. In 43 years of festivals in Cahors, the blues has only had to deplore three interruptions: two years in the middle of Covid and last year for budgetary issues. Espace Valentré is more in line with its budget.

“Two musical bombs and a nice surprise”

“We are in the process of finalizing the contracts of the festival’s artists. This is why I cannot yet give names. But I can already assure you that we will sign big names in American, European, French and even rising regional values ​​The public will not be disappointed” enthuses the president of the festival.

Sugaray Rayford: an American showman, here in the audience.
Sugaray Rayford: an American showman, here in the audience.
Photo J.-L.G

“To stay in the spirit of the festival, we will also introduce new talents in this musical genre and we are working hard on the arrival of two bombshells of this music: an American and another European. And finally, there will be a nice surprise!” he says.

High quality reinforcement

Robert Mauriès is happy. His smile says a lot about his certainties which have erased so many doubts. “We have been in negotiations for many months with the town hall of Cahors to find financial solutions. The town hall has decided to help us by postponing the work planned at Espace Valentré until the summer of 2025. I still have quite a bit things to settle, but we can reaffirm that it will be a very nice festival This year, we have the precious support of Jean-Luc Suarez who knew and co-organized the first festivals. He has a great knowledge of the blues and all its workings, its artists, its history. He is a man with great know-how who will bring us a lot” concludes Robert Mauriès.

Also read:
After a blank year, the Cahors Blues Festival is regaining color, looking for a budget, partners and a new venue

By launching a call for new partners here and relying on historical patrons, he remembers that all the music he loves comes from there… it comes from the blues and there is no question of not sharing your passion with a very large audience. YOU !



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