JAKARTA – The Mars Perseverance rover has arrived in a new area and will approach a rocky area named Pico Turquino. A team of NASA engineers are planning this approach process.
Perseverance is in alignment with Pico Turquino with a distance of 70 meters from its position. Before taking this approach, the team planned two remote sensing missions using two different instruments, namely Mastcam-Z and SuperCam.
Both have been used to study regoliths on the Martian surface, particularly in the region called Pico Turquino. The area is 200 meters long and filled with rocks which are thought to show the past state of Mars.
“Here (Pico Turquino), the team hopes to investigate recorded history,” NASA said. “The rock may reveal evidence of old geological processes, including those that predate or are linked to the devastating impact that formed Jezero Crater. »
Recent research in this region will also help scientists understand the circumstances on the Red Planet in more depth. If possible, NASA wants to characterize the diversity of rock composition and structure at Pico Turquino.
It is unclear how long Perseverance will be on the exposed Pico Turquino rock. NASA has only revealed that the next stop location is Hazel Hill Witchcraft. This area is expected to contain a recumbent bedrock that stores information about the planet's ancient climate.
“Before arriving at Witch Hazel Hill, the rovers plan to pass through a high point known as Lookout Hill which will provide an extraordinary view as they look toward the crater, as well as a look at the terrain to the “west beyond Jezero,” NASA explained.
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