Monday, November 25, the municipal council met in ordinary session. Few files were on the agenda, but some of them were urgent. The first councilor returned to the meeting on Saturday, November 23 concerning “Heart of the town 2030”, where nearly 45 people were able to interact with elected officials and the architect. A limited visit to the site allowed them to discover a little-known aspect of their village. Normally, during the summer of 2026, the work will be completed. The demolitions began at the rear of the buildings. Starting next week, the old circle will be demolished. A page in the history of Cocumont will be turned and the new face of the town center will begin to see the light of day.
The future of the seniors club
One of the two town hall secretaries, part-time because she divides her hours between Sigalens and Saint-Sauveur-de-Meilhan, wishes to obtain a transfer to the Agen region. The Council deliberated on creating a twenty-hour per week position to compensate for this departure. The rest of the time this position will be shared with the Saint-Sauveur town hall secretariat. Of course a tiling will be planned, and an agreement would be signed with the future employment community of the current secretary. In any case, the personnel committee will meet to follow this file and make a choice among the applications. This position is very comprehensive, because in addition to the secretarial work, the person supports France Services and the replacement of the postal agency employee is planned. At the same time, the Council validated the creation of two other positions which correspond to advancements in grade for existing employees.
A reflection committee on the future of the rural seniors club will meet this Monday, December 2 at the town hall, because this association is facing the upcoming resignation of all of its leaders, endangering its existence . The mayor highlighted the advanced age of the club's members and the social bond provided by the lotteries organized twice a month. We will have to find a lasting solution by counting on the involvement of the youngest.