My heart in tune with Trudeau’s and Poilievre’s?

My heart in tune with Trudeau’s and Poilievre’s?
My heart in tune with Trudeau’s and Poilievre’s?

I was in British Columbia for the 1is July. For 10 days, I have been riding in the heart of a nature as unique as it is wild.

We visited some beautiful places. Lake Louise, Maligne Lake, Banff. The perfect postcard of the ROC, turquoise water, incredible peaks, glaciers. I even went canoeing at the foot of the Rockies, like Justin and his dad Pierre-Elliot used to do.

Canadian fiber?

In these celebrations of the 1is July, I wondered if the maple leaf fiber would finally trigger in me?

With all this beauty? With these kind people, many of whom said “Hello” to us… With this warm welcome where I have, quite honestly, never felt any anti-resentmentFrog? I must say that I did not express myself in French. And even on the plane, when I tried with “un café svp”, I was told that they did not understand me.

“Bonjour” is pretty much all the vocabulary known in the language of Molière here.

So did I feel that Canadian feeling? No, not at all.

Like Spain, Greece, France or the United States, Canada is a country with many qualities, but a country different from Quebec.

Just different

My Quebec culture does not find an echo in the shadow of Robson Street or the Empress Hotel. And although I am in “my country”. It is the same as being in San Francisco. I feel foreign there like the German or Spanish tourists we met.

It’s hard to explain, I agree. But I can’t share my social project with all these people, my concerns are different. I don’t blame them for not sharing my concern for the survival of French, it doesn’t concern them. Or so little.

It doesn’t make it a worse place. Just a different place.



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