Electric vehicles much less reliable than thermal ones, this study criticizes them

Electric vehicles are clearly facing serious problems. This is evidenced by a study conducted by JD Power (data analysis company). Fully electric vehicles and even plug-in hybrids require more repairs than combustion-engine vehicles.

“Owners of cutting-edge BEVs and PHEVs are experiencing issues of such severity that they are taking their new vehicles to a dealership at rates three times higher than owners of gasoline vehicles,” said Frank Hanley, senior director of automotive analysis at JD Power.

Manufacturers are indeed being challenged to develop these new technologies. But according to Frank Hanley, it is “not surprising” that this is also pushing companies to their limits, in order to “maintain the quality of the vehicles”.

Tesla’s quality is improving

In the meantime, there is some good news to report from Tesla, in particular. The quality of popular American vehicles seems to be improving. The gap in technical problems between the Austin firm and traditional automotive competitors is narrowing.

It should also be noted that some brands are showing good scores, approaching those of thermal vehicles. These are, unsurprisingly, Hyundai but also, more surprisingly, Ram or Chevrolet.

Finally, things like “voice recognition and parking cameras are less of a problem than they were a year ago” on these cars, according to Frank Hanley. Whether any of this will improve in the future remains to be seen.

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To sum up

Electric cars are criticized in a study for the many technical problems they encounter, in comparison to thermal vehicles. However, there are positive points to note, for Tesla in particular.




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