The 2024 Brive City Readers’ Prize: the 2024 selection

The 2024 Brive City Readers’ Prize: the 2024 selection
The 2024 Brive City Readers’ Prize: the 2024 selection

The 2024 selection :

Backfireby Emmanuel Venet, Verdier

Flamboyant twilight of an old conformistby Emmanuelle Pirotte, Le Cherche Midi

From the same woodby Marion Fayolle, Gallimard

Solar ArcticSophie Van der Linden, Denoël

Redhead, The Beautiful Inhabitants of the Universeby Denis Infante, Tristram

The witnessby Joy Sorman, Flammarion

The sky in its furyby Adeline Fleury, The Observatory

Of snow and windby Sébastien Vidal, The Word and the Rest

Our weaponsby Marion Brunet, Albin Michel

A perfect momby Marie-Fleur Albecker, At the Forges of Vulcan

The Brive City Readers’ Prize, established in 2006 and organized by the city’s media library, is a literary award given during the Brive Book Fair. Intended to reward a French novel of the literary season, it includes a prize of €1,500 as well as a month of writing residency in Brive.

Each year, the selection for this prize includes ten recently published French novels, chosen by librarians, also taking into account the recommendations of the media library’s readers, who are encouraged to suggest their favorite readings.

The selected novels aim to offer a wide variety of themes, exploring stories ranging from dark to light, and probing both the intimate aspects of existence and the dynamics of our societies.

Youth Prize

The winners of the 12/14 and 15/17 youth prizes at the 2023 Brive Book Fair, Laëtitia Lajoinie and Rachel Corenblit, will also soon be replaced. The choice will be made by twelve randomly selected young jurors, who will spend the summer reading the twelve novels in competition for the Prix Tu l’as lu? – Crédit Agricole Centre France.

Selection 12/14 years:

Bloomstone’s First RoseMary Orchard, Casterman

MangakaThibault Vermot, Casterman

Hit like a girlYves-Marie Clément, Auzou

He ne dit pas sayonara, Antonio Carmona, Gallimard jeunesse

Don’t you see anything coming?Amélie Antoine, Syros

StepHervé Giraud, Thierry Magnier

Selection 15/17 years old:

llosMarion Brunet, PJK

Missak and Mélinée: a story of the Red PosterElise Fontenaille, Rouergue

The forest to tell youMartine Pouchain, Blowgun

Crying over nothing is already a lot, Chloe Lume, Blowgun

Nepomuk and EudoxiaLucile Caron-Boyer, Scrinéo

Chicken Wings Challenge or How I Became FamousJean Christophe Tixier, Syros

These works, selected and approved by the Brive Book Fair, cover a range of current topics. Dealing with themes such as the climate crisis, school bullying, isolation, abortion, mourning and first emotions, they come in various genres such as investigations, adventures, dystopias and historical stories.

Find the list of French and French-speaking literary prizes

Photo credits: Brive Book Fair



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