Three injured in serious car accident

Monday 1st of Julya major road accident took place in Saint-Félix-Lauragais. One of the victims is seriously injured.

It was around 7 p.m. when, on this road from Roumens near Saint-Félix-Lauragais, two cars collided near the D622. The two vehicles met while they were driving at a very high speed.

Firefighters were quickly called to the scene. 16 firefighters accompanied by multiple vehicles intervened to free the injured from the vehicle.

“According to the Haute-Garonne departmental fire and rescue service (Sdis 31), a person, in absolute emergencywas extracted from a vehicle and medically treated by a team from Smur 31 before being airlifted to a hospital,” explain our colleagues at La Dépêche. In the end, two octogenarians were transported in relative emergency. They are now being treated at the Croix du Sud clinic near Toulouse.

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