Olympic Day at Parc du Saint-Bertrand – Le Petit Journal

Olympic Day at Parc du Saint-Bertrand – Le Petit Journal
Olympic Day at Parc du Saint-Bertrand – Le Petit Journal

A fun and sporty day Credits: PP11

At the initiative of the Mission locale ouest audois (MLOA), an Olympic day was held at the Saint-Bertrand lake, accompanied by two mascots, in partnership with the Departmental Youth Engagement and Sport Service (SDJES). This sporting and fun day, in partnership with the Tennis club, directed by Denis Fernandez, allowed 16 young people followed in the sites of Carcassonne, Limoux, Castelnaudary and Lézignan-Corbières to learn orienteering, disc golf, canoeing and archery. Gilles Alard, deputy delegated to the Sports and Youth Service and very committed to the cause of young people, took part in this meeting and once again demonstrated his support for the commitments and associative values ​​of the MLOA. Till Fernandez, a young man supported by the local mission of Limoux and on a civic service mission within the Tennis club Quillanais chaired by his father, was also present to set the tone and set a good example in front of this fifteen young people who were more motivated than ever. Young Coralie, French ping-pong champion in adapted sport and Olympic Flame bearer on May 16 in Castelnaudary, was also involved. Supported by the local mission of her city, she once again demonstrated her sportsmanship and team spirit by winning several events alongside her young teammates.

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