USA: Supreme Court grants immunity to Trump, but only for official acts

USA: Supreme Court grants immunity to Trump, but only for official acts
USA: Supreme Court grants immunity to Trump, but only for official acts

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that former President Donald Trump can claim immunity for some of his actions during his final days in office. In the decision released today, the justices said former presidents enjoy “full immunity” for official acts, while the same principle cannot be invoked for “unofficial conduct.” The decision, adopted by a vote of six to three, threatens to further delay the federal conspiracy trial in connection with the assault on Congress on January 6, 2021. The justices’ decision effectively overturns the verdict against Trump in February, when a federal appeals court ruled that the former president cannot claim immunity for crimes he allegedly committed to block the certification of the 2021 presidential election. Joe Biden in the 2020 elections.

The Supreme Court sent the case back to a lower court, which will have to decide whether and when to send Trump back to trial on all four counts against him, in light of the text released today by the justices. Chief Justice John Robertswrote in his opinion that former presidents can invoke immunity for “certain official acts” dating back to their administration. “However, not everything a president does is official: The president is not above the law,” Roberts said.

In a message posted on his Truth Social platform, Trump exulted after a “great victory for democracy and our Constitution: I am proud to be an American.”

White House Legal Department spokesman Ian Samsin a statement to the television channel “CNN”, after being asked about the decision of the Supreme Court, said: “As the president has already said Joe Biden“No one is above the law: it’s a principle that underpins our society and our justice system,” he said, adding that the country needs leaders like Biden who “respect the law instead of breaking it.” Sams did not comment directly on the Supreme Court decision, nor did he mention Trump by name.

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