Supreme Court grants partial victory to Donald Trump on immunity

Supreme Court grants partial victory to Donald Trump on immunity
Supreme Court grants partial victory to Donald Trump on immunity

Prosecuted for his attempts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump has petitioned the US Supreme Court to determine whether he enjoys blanket immunity. In its decision, the highest court ruled that any US president ” is entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for his official acts “But this is a partial victory for the ultraconservative, because she believes that ” The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts ” and refers the case back to the trial court to determine which acts are exempt.

Former US President Donald Trump saluted ” a great victory for the constitution and for American democracy “, after the announcement of the highest court.

With a conservative majority of six judges, three of whom were appointed by him, the Supreme Court considers that ” The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts ” but that he ” is entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for his official acts ” According to the Court, Donald Trump even enjoyed absolute immunity for all matters relating to the Justice Department: otherwise, the president can ask to prosecute whomever he wants, even if he has no evidence and does whatever he wants as long as it remains within the scope of his duties.

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