Seine-Saint-Denis: a police officer targeted by a judicial investigation opened for murder by the prosecution

Seine-Saint-Denis: a police officer targeted by a judicial investigation opened for murder by the prosecution
Seine-Saint-Denis: a police officer targeted by a judicial investigation opened for murder by the prosecution


Paris Editorial

Published on

Jul 1, 2024 at 7:33 p.m.

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A police officer, assigned to Seine-Saint-Denis, allegedly opened fire seven times on a man, Saturday June 29, 2024, around 6:30 a.m., in Bobigny, while he was off duty, according to information from the site 20 minutes. His victim, hit six times, is said to have lost his life. The police officer was “brought before the investigating judge today (Monday, July 1), with the prosecution requesting the opening of a judicial investigation for murder,” confirms Paris news Crown.

Between two calls… the drama

Policeman at the public order and traffic department (DOPC) according to 20 minutesthe man was reportedly contacted by his grandmother, who had heard noises in her home.

According to the news site’s version, the official then went there and discovered an intruder in the garage of the pavilion. The rest is more obscure.

The police officer first called for backup, before changing his mind. During the second call to his colleagues, he confided having used his weapon and killed the “squatter”, arguing that the latter would have been aggressive and allegedly threatened him with “an object”.

The results of the analyzes showed that the perpetrator of the fatal shots was neither under the influence of alcohol nor drugs at the time of the incident.

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