Prize of excellence for Label rouge du Gers veal

Prize of excellence for Label rouge du Gers veal
Prize of excellence for Label rouge du Gers veal

the essential
The butcher’s shop received the award of excellence for its Label Rouge rosé veal. A prize that rewards Gers veal and makes the breeders proud.

This Thursday, June 27 in La Baule, the Aquicho breeders’ butcher’s shop received the prize of excellence for Label Rouge rosé veal, voted best butcher’s shop in France in the Label Rouge category, through the prize awarded to Mickael Manzoni, its head butcher .

“It’s a highlight and a major reward for the entire sector, to see the pink veal from Gers Lou Bethet voted the best label veal in France. I am very proud to have worn this red label with the Adel 32 breeders for 15 years, and also very grateful for the prize awarded to our butcher’s shop, underlines Sonia Trebosc. It’s a short local sector with national recognition today!”

Finally a worthy reward for this quality veal, its pink color is today recognized for its taste and the natural side of the meat. “The Gers breeders were right to believe in this atypical product! The entire sector is honored: the breeders for their work and the entire team of Aquicho butchers for their daily investment.”

This professional competition highlights the work and know-how of French butchers who are particularly involved in the promotion and marketing of meats under quality labels. Through the Label Rouge rosé veal, Mickael Manzoni highlights a product of excellence, the fruit of the commitment of local producers. Birth, breeding, slaughtering, cutting: everything happens in the Gers. This meat also meets consumer expectations in terms of selecting the best breeds, respect for animal welfare and quality food. So many guarantees of proximity, authenticity and trust, which honor peasant know-how and appeal to both individual customers and communities.

“Butchery has fascinated me since I was very young, especially cutting and processing,” confides Mickael Manzoni. “What I like about my job is perpetuating traditions and maintaining the same quality of products in 2024 as in our parents’ time.”



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