This study reveals the 10 most pleasant cities to live in the world

This study reveals the 10 most pleasant cities to live in the world
This study reveals the 10 most pleasant cities to live in the world

You plan to to change lifeto grant you a sweet vacation in a welcoming destination or simply to treat yourself to a little expeditious trip but couldn’t be more satisfying? So much the better, The Economist Intelligence Unit unveiled ” Liveability Index 2024 “, in other words, its ranking of cities the most pleasant of the world, on June 27th. And no French city is in the top 10…

Vienna, winner for the 3rd year in a row

For the third year consecutively, it is Vienna (Austria) which ranks first among the cities where it is good to live, with a total index of 98.4. It is closely followed by Copenhagen (Denmark) with 98.0, Zurich (Switzerland) with 97.1, Melbourne (Australia) with 97.0. Calgary (Canada) and Geneva (Switzerland) tied for fifth place with 96.8, followed by Sydney (Australia) and Vancouver (Canada) with 96.6 and Osaka (Japan) and Auckland (New Zealand) with 96.0.

Overall, the cities of Europe from West are among those with the highest scores. The increase in conflicts and manifestations on various political issues such as the rise of the extreme right or agriculture, has nevertheless significantly hampered the “stability” category both for Europe and for cities such as kyiv or Tel Aviv.

Five categories taken into account for the evaluation

In total, 173 cities were assessed according to five major categories such as health, educationinfrastructure, environment and cultureor even global stability. If the cities of Western Europe, Australia and Canada took the first 10 places, the last 10 correspond to the cities where the stability index is on bus : Caracas (Venezuela), Kiev (Ukraine), Port Moresby (PNG), Harare (Zimbabwe), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Karachi (Pakistan), Lagos (Nigeria), Algiers (Algeria), Tripoli (Libya) and Damascus (Syria).



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