Platonic couples: “I understood that making love is not necessarily the expression of love”

Platonic couples: “I understood that making love is not necessarily the expression of love”
Platonic couples: “I understood that making love is not necessarily the expression of love”

Published on June 30, 2024 at 9:11 p.m. / Modified on June 30, 2024 at 10:01 p.m.

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Sex, the “cement of the couple”, really? Having an active and regular sexuality remains a structuring norm in the representations of what a fulfilled romantic relationship would be. In this context, being in a couple without having sexual relations seems an almost subversive attitude, or at least marginal. However, we had no trouble finding many testimonies from more or less abstinent people, for whom this did not call into question their conjugality. Platonic couples have always existed, but perhaps today people are speaking out more on this subject.

Camille, 41, lives in the Lausanne region with her husband and two children. Over the course of their fourteen-year relationship, the couple has gone through several stages. “In the early years, we had a fairly traditional sexuality and desire for each other. Then we had two children, we were tired and had less time. We chose each other’s rest, rather than our sexuality, which faded. Little by little, physical attraction turned into tenderness,” she says. “It’s insidious, it happens silently. The days go by and one morning, you wake up and realize that you no longer have that thrill of desire for the other.”

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