2024 legislative elections: nuclear, transport… Here is what the different programs on energy and the environment promise

2024 legislative elections: nuclear, transport… Here is what the different programs on energy and the environment promise
2024 legislative elections: nuclear, transport… Here is what the different programs on energy and the environment promise

Ecology, the angry subject? As if it had transformed into flammable material, since the agricultural crisis at the beginning of the year, it has pointed out subscribers absent in the debates. Explanations.

Did the farmers’ movement, which shook Europe at the start of the year, France in particular, and Occitanie (where it took shape) more precisely, precipitate the virtual disappearance of the issues linked to it? to the climate, the environment and ecology?

As if this thematic block had transformed into an inflammable material, to be handled with the most extreme precautions, so as not to arouse the ire of part of the population again. Especially when the adoption of certain measures intended to be virtuous on the subject had already provoked hostile movements which, to remain in France, from “red caps” to “yellow vests”, were able to set entire regions ablaze, in varying proportions. or the country as a whole.

What the political programs propose on the themes of energy and the environment with a view to the legislative elections.

Hence the caution required (already observed during the recent European elections) on these questions, ignored in the debates, as if vanished in the campaign on the ground, but still present in the programs.

Sometimes without much substance, as the proposals noted may lack precision or not show any serious financing avenue.

There remains this paradox: ecology still asserts itself, as an Ipsos survey in June showed, as the third concern of the French. And this in a country which is obtaining rather decent results in this area this year, since greenhouse gas emissions fell by 5.8% in France in 2023, a performance praised by the High Council for the Climate. Or by the former minister Corinne Lepage, who confides that without being “a great defender of Mr. Macron’s policy, I must nevertheless note, I who launched the first climate action in France, that on the climate, we has made progress, for the first time this year. A reduction of 5.8% is still a lot.”

An assessment that she adds with numerous reservations, while also deploring the very low visibility of these issues in the news of this campaign.

We fear this moratorium wanted by the RN, the sector is worried. We did not come to France to leave it

The question of wind turbines perfectly illustrates this astonishing situation, with on one side those who decry them, on the other, those who do not or no longer talk about them. Causing perplexity, and sometimes anxiety, in the sector of activity concerned.

This renewable energy sector is therefore worried about the possible arrival of the RN in government. Like Notus Energy, a German company also based in Montpellier and Toulouse, specializing in photovoltaics and onshore wind power and which employs around fifty people in France, 450 worldwide.

“We are an independent developer with projects in the South, where there is sun, and 700 MW to produce throughout the country,” explains Henriech Lieser, its president. According to him, “we fear this moratorium wanted by the RN. The sector is worried, the demand for energy will continue to grow, 68% of electricity is produced by nuclear power, but the park is old and modern wind turbines are increasingly efficient. We did not come to France to leave it.”



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