what Jacques Dutronc refused to do…

what Jacques Dutronc refused to do…
what Jacques Dutronc refused to do…

The end of Françoise Hardy’s life was marked by difficult choices and painful decisions. Among them, that of Jacques Dutronc, her husband, who refused a request from their son Thomas after her death.

On June 11, the world of music lost one of its greatest icons: Françoise Hardy passed away at the age of 80, after a long battle with cancer. A loss that plunged her son, Thomas Dutronc, and her former partner, Jacques Dutronc, into immense sorrow, explains Here is.

If the two men were able to meet again during the singer’s funeral on June 20, a special moment of contemplation almost did not take place. Indeed, according to Paris
, Thomas Dutronc would have liked to go to the morgue with his father to pay his last respects to his mother.. A request to which Jacques Dutronc had to resolve not to respond.

“He does not feel capable of experiencing the confrontation of him alive facing Françoise Hardy dead”

He does not feel capable of living the confrontation of himself alive facing Françoise Hardy dead.“, explains a source close to the singer in the weekly. A difficult but understandable choice, so deep was the love and complicity that united Jacques Dutronc and Françoise Hardy.

And then he bought a plot in Monticello Cemetery, where he will be able to place the ashes of the deceased.“, continues the same source. A concession where “he will rest next to her forever” once his time has also arrived. If Jacques Dutronc was not able to accompany his son in this moment of intimate contemplation, he nevertheless wanted to pay him a vibrant tribute during the funeral. Speaking in front of an audience of artists and personalities,
He paid tribute to the memory of his life partner for more than 50 years.with whom he had a son, Thomas.

A grief shared in intimacy

Since his mother’s death, Thomas Dutronc has remained discreet about his pain. On social networks, he simply shared a photo of himself as a child in the arms of Françoise Hardyaccompanied by a broken heart.

The singer also cancelled several concerts planned for this summer, in order to take time to grieve with his family.
There is no doubt that these next few weeks will be difficult for Thomas Dutroncwho will have to learn to live without his mother, this woman who meant so much in his life.

An immense artistic heritage

If Françoise Hardy has passed away, her work will remain forever engraved in the memory of music lovers. Singer, composer, poet and novelist, she left her unique mark on French songwith unforgettable titles like All the boys and girls, My friend the Rose or Mathilde.

Her talent and extraordinary personality made her an icon of French culture, a woman admired and respected by all. Today, she is a voice that has faded, but a legend that continues to live.



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