A Breton industrialist switches from gas to solar self-consumption – pv magazine France

A Breton industrialist switches from gas to solar self-consumption – pv magazine France
A Breton industrialist switches from gas to solar self-consumption – pv magazine France

Accustomed to using gas in its industrial processes, the Denis Matériaux Group is beginning its energy transition through a solar self-consumption project financed by Crédit Agricole d’Ille-et-Villaine. It is based on the installation, by Nexhos Energies, of 14 photovoltaic power plants on roofs and shade structures.

June 28, 2024 Francois Puthod

Specialist in construction materials, the Denis Group has entrusted Nexhos Énergies with the task of installing 14 self-consumption photovoltaic power plants on its sites located throughout Brittany, including those of Mordelles (35), Redon (35), Montfort (35) , Noyal-Pontivy (56), Dol-de-Bretagne (35), Hennebont (56), Combourg (35), Elven (56), Langon (35), Muzillac (56), Guignen (35) and Saint-Maudez (22).

“With this decarbonized energy project, we will produce, mainly through self-consumption, 4,200 MWh per year, or 75% of our current needs, at a cost competitive with the current market price and, above all, gain our energy independence,” rejoices Renan Denis, CEO of Denis Matériaux, in a press release.

The installation, with a total power of 4.23 MWp, will involve 11 roofs – to be renovated beforehand – and three storage canopies. The work, which has just begun, will last one year for reception and commissioning of the power plants scheduled for 2025.

This operation represents an investment of nearly 10 million euros. It is supported by three regional players: Groupe Denis, owner of the premises, Nexhos Energies, responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of the energy project and Crédit Agricole d’Ille-et-Vilaine, which supports it financially in equity and structured debt.

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