Girl dies after falling from fourth floor, mother taken into custody: What we know

Girl dies after falling from fourth floor, mother taken into custody: What we know
Girl dies after falling from fourth floor, mother taken into custody: What we know

A tragedy occurred in a building in Luxeuil-les-Bains, in Haute-Saône, on the evening of Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

A six-year-old girl fatally fell from the fourth floor of a building in Luxeuil-Les-Bains, Haute-Saône, on the evening of Wednesday, June 26. His mother was taken into police custody. What we know about this tragedy.

Emergency services alerted by witnesses

As revealed by our colleagues from the Eastern Republican, residents of the town, alerted by cries, discovered a seriously injured little girlafter a fall from the fourth floor. Emergency services were immediately called to the scene. The young victim, in a serious condition, succumbed to his injuries a few moments later despite the numerous efforts of firefighters to save her: his death was pronounced at 10 p.m., at the scene of the tragedy.

The prosecutor spoke

Public Prosecutor of Vesoul, Arnaud Grécourt spoke in a press release relayed by our colleagues from France 3. The investigation which was opened and the findings carried out on site revealed several elements: before his fall, the victim was at the family home with two other young girls including her sister, aged 4 and 3.

According to, the little girl fell from the kitchen window. As for the mother, aged 37, she had left the apartment since which the tragedy took place, at 6:10 p.m., with another of his daughters, who is 12 years old.

In custody

Still on the sidelines of his communication, the head of the prosecution indicates that the mother was taken into custodya measure following which the opening of a judicial investigation and the referral to an investigating judge are envisaged. An autopsy of the victim must be carried out this Friday, June 28.



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