Cristal Union sugar maker convicted of manslaughter

The Strasbourg judicial court sentenced the sugar group to a fine of 60,000 euros for “involuntary manslaughter”, confirming information from “Last news from Alsace”.

On the same subject

Work accidents: these deaths that we do not see

Two employees die at work every day. For four years, a history teacher has been recording these victims to alert public opinion. His book highlights the failures of the system and pleads for improving prevention in companies

According to a representative of the group present at the hearing and quoted by the daily, the risk had “not been identified” at the scene of the accident.

Factory in disrepair

“The factory was really in disrepair. And there was no security. If there had been protective barriers, the accident would not have happened,” said the victim’s father, who visited the scene twice. Aged 81, he lived alone with his son until his death. He regretted having been informed of the trial only two days before, which did not allow him to attend the hearing.

At least seven workers have died on Cristal Union sites since 2010 in France, including several rope access technicians, according to the association Cordistes enanger, rope access workers in solidarity.



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