What will the weather be like in Flers and its surrounding areas on Wednesday November 20, 2024?

What will the weather be like in Flers and its surrounding areas on Wednesday November 20, 2024?
What will the weather be like in Flers and its surrounding areas on Wednesday November 20, 2024?

This Wednesday, November 20, Flers will dawn under overcast weather, and the air temperature will be on average 2°C over the first part of the day. The wind force will be 10 km/h in the early morning, and will decrease between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. until it stops completely, then suddenly increase to approximately 15 km/h in the early afternoon. Its orientation will vary during this interval. The sky will be generally clear during the morning. At 9 a.m., the mercury will read 1°C, and will rise towards the end of the morning to reach 5°C.

In the afternoon, the thermometer will decrease between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to reach 2°C. The sun will still be dominant in the early afternoon, before becoming cloudy around 3 p.m. Mixed rain and snow are forecast late this afternoon. The wind will pick up suddenly around 3 p.m. to reach around 30 km/h, then decrease quickly at the end of the afternoon to reach around 10 km/h. Gusts could exceed 100 km/h. Its direction will be inconsistent during this time slot.

Overcast skies are forecast during the evening. The mercury will remain constant at 2°C. The wind force will continue to increase between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., reaching approximately 20 km/h, then fading to approximately 5 km/h towards the start of the night. It will be in a southwesterly direction, before drifting northwest around 8 p.m.

Tonight the weather will remain overcast. The wind will vary between 5 and 10 km/h, while the thermometer will remain stable at 1°C. The wind direction will be changing during this period.

On Thursday, the temperature will be cool: it will be 0°C on average, with a maximum of 1°C reached around 6 a.m. and noon. The weather will be mostly overcast, with rain and snow mixed during the day.

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