The Belgian press knocks out the Red Devils before the 8th against France… Follow the day with us…

You’ll have to explain to me why the France-Belgium match will be at 6 p.m. on a Monday evening instead of 9 p.m. when there are no other matches… UEFA and its legendary logic


The times are fixed in advance of the competition, the “head seeds” were scheduled in the evening at 9 p.m. in advance.

“At the end of an insipid performance, the Devils did not benefit from the Slovak misstep against Romania (1-1). The choice of security but also a solid admission of helplessness before finding our French neighbors in the most explosive part of the table. The qualification is acquired but the terrible bronca of the Belgian public did not lie,” notes for example The evening.

In these same columns, the consultant and ex-international Philippe Albert insists on the fracture between the players and their supporters, who booed them copiously at the end of the “non-match” against Ukraine.

“What, they don’t understand (that they are being booed)? But we urgently need to go and explain it to them. They don’t realise that if they had lost one goal, they would have been coming home (to Belgium). And they are asking for applause for that?”

Finally, I am going to temper my criticisms of the EDF a little because if I look closely, the others (apart from Spain) seem to me to be on the same level of mediocrity. I deduce a certain restraint before the final phase, which is much tougher with matches likely to go into overtime or even penalties, so… Mouth sealed.


Apart from Spain, which seems to have solid foundations and superior creative and offensive power, all the selections have shown their flaws. We can also think that for some (hello France) the lack of involvement will dissipate with the arrival of the knockout matches, where the best and most pragmatic players emerge. An area where the Blues know how to excel, but also the English, who have so far been very criticized. Conversely, it’s not impossible to think that the small teams who met the big ones (and disturbed them thanks to a greater impact) hit a wall in the face from the 8th round.

But he is badly rebuffed by the social security in front of Cristiano’s eyes. But here we are really at ninja level.

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England, France, Belgium… A team, a match that ANNOYED you more than another? Tell us in the comments (with justification if possible).

The French coach of Georgia paid tribute to his players after the feat against Portugal (2-0), synonymous with qualification for the round of 16. Against Spain, the task will be more complicated, but Sagnol’s men have nothing to lose in this competition. Point on which the coach insisted.

“When you’re part of the ‘small’ teams, you know you have nothing to lose. The only thing I said before the competition is that no matter what happens, you shouldn’t have regrets at the end […] “Spain is probably the strongest team in the first round, but what is certain is that we will fight until the last minute. »

Thursday a little calmer than usual since we won’t have the slightest match to get our teeth into. But the eighth grade starts in two days, and we’re going to raise the temperature! We will follow the preparation of the last 16 competing nations, and obviously the Blues. Return of the traditional press conference today, it will obviously be about Belgium… who qualified under the whistles of their supporters yesterday.

In short, we have plenty to do!



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