“Come in large numbers to have fun, feel emotions, share them”

“Come in large numbers to have fun, feel emotions, share them”
“Come in large numbers to have fun, feel emotions, share them”

If the name of the festival is now well known, that of its organizer, the association “Musique et Solidarités en Hautes-Pyrénées”, is less so. Under the leadership of David Fray and its president, Jéselyne Vallé, its volunteers do a job that is as remarkable as it is essential for the success of the festival.

A volunteer of the festival since its launch, Jéselyne Vallé was elected president of the association “Musique et Solidarités en Hautes-Pyrénées” for this 4th edition, thus succeeding Frédéric Cabannes, who, after three years of good and loyal service, had to , reluctantly, give up this beautiful, but demanding, mission due to professional incompatibility. “I have been a volunteer since the beginning and secretary for two years but I really realize this year to what extent the presidency requires availability. I accepted this mission because I have the support of the entire office. It is collective work and we have a great team Organizing such a festival requires a lot of work but it is such a joy every year to see the success of the festival. We can’t wait for it to begin,” enthuses Jéselyne Vallé.

“The festival is the showcase of the cause of disability”

And if, in this final stretch, everything is well planned, the fact remains that the tension is at its maximum for these 45 volunteers, brought together by their common passion for classical music and their dedication to the cause carried by the festival, the disability. “I am retired from teaching and I was co-opted by a friend because I know the schools and like David [Fray] wanted from the start to set up musical interventions in schools and in particular for a disabled audience and/or those far from music… The festival is the showcase of these numerous actions carried out throughout the year (interventions of authors, music therapy, massages, sense and smell workshops, etc.) and financed by the association, thanks to its support, the ticket office and the festival booklet. It’s the hidden side of the iceberg and we’re holding on to it. We all came for this mission,” confides this passionate about classical music, a passion that she also shares with her family with a musician husband and children.

“There are sometimes little miracles”

But it is the cause of disability that is the driving force behind her commitment to the association. “That’s what motivates us,” emphasizes Jéselyne Vallé. “During concerts and workshops, we see children express their emotions and we come away from these moments feeling refreshed. Sometimes there are small miracles. I think of those moments when emotions that are usually closed appear on faces.” And she also mentions unforgettable moments such as “the Riccardo Muti concert at the Sanctuary of Lourdes, meeting John Neumeier’s dancers or the Carnival of the Animals with Laurence Ferrari.” A list that has only grown over the years. The event that will mobilize the most volunteers this time will be the concert with its royal fireworks display on July 13 at Lake Payolle. “It will be the big one and our team has expanded for the occasion.”

Volunteers, a big family

They will have six car parks to manage, without forgetting their usual missions. “We have several divisions: disability, ticketing, conferences, spectator seating, gourmet meals, etc.,” she explains. “But in reality, we never stop. As soon as the festival ends, we have the results, the requests for subsidies, etc.”. Flawless work which contributes to the success of this unifying festival for both the public and the organizers. “It’s a big family united around David, with whom we have a real emotional bond, trustworthy people, with great complementarity. Our wish is that the people we welcome feel good, that they leave Come along to have fun, feel emotions, share them,” invites the president.



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