A suspect linked to the murder of little Darla identified thanks to an unpublished recording

A suspect linked to the murder of little Darla identified thanks to an unpublished recording
A suspect linked to the murder of little Darla identified thanks to an unpublished recording

Twist in the Ontario Court of Appeal: the defense of murderer Timothy Rees showed on Wednesday that the Toronto police did not take a person of interest seriously when they were investigating the death of Darla Thurott in 1989. Rees served 19 years in prison for the unpremeditated murder of the 10-year-old before being paroled in 2009.

Tim Rees’ defense force forced the reopening of the investigation when police discovered audio recordings of a police interview with James Raymer, the owner of the house where the victim’s family lived.

Lawyer James Lockyer also summons retired agent Keith Bradshaw, who in 2016 found the recording in one of six boxes containing 58 other cassettes from the unsolved criminal affairs department.

However, Timothy Rees’ defense had never heard of such a recording during the trial in 1990.

It turns out that James Raymer, now deceased, lived in the room across the street from the 10-year-old victim’s bedroom.

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The Attorney General of Canada, Arif Virani, referred Timothy Rees’ case to the Ontario Court of Appeal last year after a possible miscarriage of justice at trial.

Photo : Radio-Canada / Stéphane Richer

The trial showed that Timothy Rees was occupying a room at the other end of the house when he was invited to stay in bed by the child’s father.

Alleged sexual touching

The interrogation was carried out on March 17, 1989 by Sgt David Rose and Officer George Clanfield, both retired, but testifying in these hearings.

James Raymer is heard telling the two police officers that he had been in Darla’s room the night of the murder to kiss her, but he no longer remembers exactly where on her body.

Sometimes on the cheek, sometimes on the navel. I wanted to wish him good nighthe said.

Mr. Lockyer stops the hearing of the tape and questions Agent Clanfield to ask him if the information is not incriminating in a murder investigation. Ouihe admits.

Raymer is, however, hesitant in his 34-year-old testimony, since he assures that he did nothing to the little girl when he entered her room.

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Timothy Rees’ lawyer, James Lockyer, works for the Innocence Canada association, which has a mandate to identify, defend and exonerate people falsely convicted of a crime.

Photo: The Canadian Press / Andrew Vaughan

The individual also admitted during the conversation with Officers Rose and Clanfield that he had sexually touched the child four months before his death, but not that night, because he could not have an erection.

I slip my hand between her legs to caress her, but I was tired that night, he continues. Officer Clanfield is heard asking him if he likes doing this. Yes, I like itRaymer replies.

Raymer further admits that he encountered Darla when she went to the bathroom during the night, but Mr. Lockyer points out that Constable Clanfield did not ask him at the time if he had left his door open to see the child return to his room after returning from the toilet.

You didn’t ask him the question? asks Mr. Lockyer, stunned. Nonhe replies.

After hesitating over the color of Darla’s nightgown, Ramer says he was finally convinced that it was white when he encountered the little girl in the bathroom.

Agent Clanfield assures that he gave the audio recording of the interrogation to the detective in charge of the criminal investigation. His testimony continues Thursday.

Police arrive on scene

Earlier today, the Sgt Rose explains that he was the first called to 911 to go to the Thurott residence that they rented from James Raymer on the day of the murder.

He claims he went up to the bedroom and saw the girl lying on her side with marks on her neck.

He admits that he saw Raymer in the room opposite and that he asked him to stay there so that he could question him later.

I went to him and questioned him for six minuteshe remembers.

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This week’s hearings in the Ontario Court of Appeal are expected to allow the defense and Crown to examine and cross-examine new defense witnesses in the case ahead of an appeal on the merits scheduled for December .


THEgt Rose states that James Raymer was probably a retard and that he made a funny face when he asked him if he had heard anything the night of the murder.

He didn’t answer me, but he smiled at me.he adds, saying that he no longer remembers if he continued to speak with him.

The interrogation also shows that the house was full of individuals, that the police had not evacuated it for the purposes of the investigation.

THEgt Rose mentions that the coroner, Dre Milton, had arrived before the homicide squad and had gone up to see the child in her room.

We learn from Tim Rees’ defense that the doctor then went to write a report downstairs and that she was next to Darleen Thurott, the victim’s mother.

No, I don’t remember thatreplies Sgt Rose.

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This appeal could well show that the Toronto police are responsible for the miscarriage of justice committed against Timothy Rees.

Photo: The Canadian Press / Christopher Katsarov

The defense claims Darleen’s partner, Bill, then came in and said he should never have allowed Darla to sleep upstairs across from James Raymer’s room.

Bill said that wouldn’t be the case with their baby staying downstairsexplains James Lockyer while reading his notes [on comprend que la Dre Milton a peut-être écrit ses observations dans son rapport, NDLR].

THEgt Rose nevertheless claims that he never heard the Dre Milton say she was upset.

He concludes that he took Raymer to the station to question him, but that his colleague, Agent Clanfield, had agreed that the individual first stop at a nearby bank for an unexplained reason.

THEgt Rose assures that he did not participate in the criminal investigation. I don’t remember what Raymer said in the interrogation roomhe concludes.



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