Quebec-Lévis | François Legault relaunches the third motorway link

Quebec-Lévis | François Legault relaunches the third motorway link
Quebec-Lévis | François Legault relaunches the third motorway link

(Quebec) After torpedoing it in April 2023, Prime Minister François Legault announced Thursday that he was relaunching the project for a third Quebec-Lévis highway link, even if a report from the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) doesn’t see the relevance.

Posted at 1:56 p.m.

Updated at 2:43 p.m.

Caroline Plante

The Canadian Press

However, he does not make a commitment on the start of work in this mandate.

“For reasons of economic security, our government is committed to building a new highway link between Quebec and Lévis,” Mr. Legault declared at a press conference.

“The confidence in us and in the completion of the project is shaken, I am aware of it, but one thing is certain, we will work every day to rebuild this bond of trust,” argued Minister Bernard Drainville, who is a member of parliament. of Lévis, on the South Shore.

“I am aware of this loss of confidence, but we have two and a half years left to demonstrate that we are serious, look at us,” added Mr. Legault.

In its report on mobility published Wednesday, the Caisse estimates that traffic does not justify a third motorway link in the region. But she notes that speakers have raised an economic security risk, given that only the Pierre-Laporte bridge, and not the Quebec bridge, can support the passage of heavy trucks.

“By taking a step back, we realize that the issue of economic security is very important,” said Mr. Legault.

However, Federal Minister Jean-Yves Duclos indicated on Wednesday that the deck of the Quebec Bridge, which Ottawa has just purchased, could be lowered to allow the passage of heavy goods vehicles.

“I find it funny that Mr. Duclos pulled that out of his hat,” replied Mr. Legault.

“I don’t know where Mr. Duclos got his information,” replied the Minister of Transport, Geneviève Guilbault.

Already, Tuesday, Mme Guilbault set the table, declaring on

Mr. Legault refused to make a commitment for the first shovelful of earth: “it is too early for that”.

The Prime Minister also announced that he supports the first phase of the tram deployment as developed by the CDPQ.

On Wednesday, the CDPQ unveiled its “CITÉ Plan”, which recommends a tram project, a rapid bus system, reserved lanes and a tunnel under the river between Quebec and Lévis, but which would only be reserved for a tram line.

The whole thing would cost 15.5 billion over 15 years.

Furthermore, according to the CDPQ, nothing justifies from a mobility point of view the construction of a third highway link, in particular because it would only shift congestion and would only bring marginal time savings for motorists. .

The question of mobility in Quebec has been debated for several years. Different administrations have put forward projects, but to date, transportation solutions in the Quebec region are still awaited.



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