Death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle at the age of 72

Death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle at the age of 72
Death of Jean-Paul Jouanelle at the age of 72

In politics and in the economic world, the name of Jean-Paul Jouanelle was known to everyone. Parliamentary attaché, chief of staff, minister’s press secretary, the septuagenarian had made a name for himself over 21 years in the political world.

Born in Mali in 1952, Jean-Paul Jouanelle, he returned to Africa at the dawn of the 20th century in 1999 to the French embassy in Bamako where he was press attaché.

He then moved closer to the economic world, becoming in 2010 the general delegate of the employers’ association Contact-Entreprise, the communication body for Martinican business leaders.

Previously, he had held several management positions in the administration of the General Council of Martinique.

Knight of the Order of Merit in 2014, he enjoyed an impressive address book. A man of influence, he has worked in recent years to have Martinique recognized as one of France’s biosphere reserves by UNESCO.

Emmanuel de Reynal, former president of Contact-Entrepriseexpressed his emotion at the announcement of this death

It’s a terrible shock. When you know Jean-Paul, you don’t imagine for a second that he could fall. It was a block of humanity. A quiet strength. I was lucky to know him well. We fought magnificent fights. He’s an incredible person. Quite unique

For the business leader, Jean-Paul Jouanelle has contributed to establishing bridges between the business world and politics, education and even culture. “He had a tremendous influence on the economic world. His work is really there”commented Emmanuel de Reynal.



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