The bosses’ rallying behind Donald Trump

The bosses’ rallying behind Donald Trump
The bosses’ rallying behind Donald Trump

The dam burst in January 2024, when Jamie Dimon, emblematic boss of JP Morgan and “boss” of Wall Street, gave his absolution to Donald Trump. “Just take a step back and be honest. He was quite right about NATO. He was pretty right about immigration, he grew the economy pretty well. Tax reform worked. He was partly right about China”, declared Mr. Dimon on January 17, live from the forum in Davos, Switzerland. And added that he would be able to cope with an election of Trump or Joe Biden: “My business will survive and thrive in both.” »

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Need to spare his bank in the event of a change, well-understood interest in a Republican administration which will be more pro-business than that of Mr. Biden and personal ambition – he has never hidden his desire to launch into political -, Jamie Dimon is the reflection of an employer with mixed feelings about the person Trump, but who is flying to the candidate’s aid.

For weeks, despite his criminal conviction for having purchased, in 2016, the silence of a porn actress about an alleged sexual relationship, Donald Trump has continued to make his comeback with “big business”. He was killed after the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. But due to failure to impose another candidate, whether the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, or the former governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley, some of the big bosses have redone their accounts. Between Biden, who has led the most left-wing policies in half a century, and Trump, it is the latter whom they hate the least.

“It’s laughable”

The most publicized case is that of Elon Musk, boss of Tesla. Nothing was decided in advance. As former Democratic Rep. Joe Cunningham notes in the Wall Street Journal, “Elon Musk should be a Democrat. He flirts with Trump, but his affairs are aligned with Biden’s priorities. » And to cite the energy transition promoted by Tesla, industrial appeasement with China and concern about artificial intelligence.

In reality, it was Biden who lost Musk, inviting a forum of electric car manufacturers to the White House in the summer of 2021, without inviting him, under the pretext that Tesla factories did not allow union establishment. Even venture capitalist Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn and Democratic backer, blames Mr. Biden. “Holding a summit on electric cars at the White House without inviting him is laughable! », confided this winter, Mr. Hoffman. Added to this narcissistic injury was the drift of the libertarian Musk to the confines of the extreme right. In May 2022, he broke with the Democratic Party, accused of wokism and “become the party of division and hatred”.

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