A cohort to better understand neurodevelopmental disorders, an autism center to train and inform, 100,000 children identified via PCOs… An update on the progress obtained one year after the launch of the national TND strategy.
The 2023-2027 national strategy for neurodevelopmental disorders celebrated its first candle on November 14, 2024. It is accompanied by a total envelope of 680 million euros allocated to people with autism, “dys” disorders, brain deficit disorder. attention with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) or intellectual development disorder (IDD), in order to improve their support and care. What did she put in place? An update on the achievements and progress achieved in one year.
Boost search
The “Autism and TND” scientific interest group now has 138 certified research teams: 800 researchers in France who maintain 450 international collaborations. Funding has been doubled from the National Research Agency (ANR).
Scheduled to open in 2027, the Child Brain Research Institute has begun its collaborative scientific work on children’s cognitive development and vulnerabilities (The Child Brain Institute will be opened in 2027).
A sixth center of excellence for TND will be created in 2025, which will help to disseminate research of excellence in the territory.
The Marianne cohort continues its deployment (Marianne: a giant cohort to understand the origin of TND). In mid-October 2024, nearly 200 families have already been contacted in order to identify TND risk factors and thus better understand the development of children from birth to six years.
Promote early identification and diagnosis
Nearly 100,000 children aged 12 and under were referred to one of the 150 coordination and guidance platforms (TND: 90,000 young people identified via a coordination platform). Seven new PCOs for 7-12 year olds were launched between January 2023 and July 2024 for a total of 49 structures in this age group.
A specific ADHD care sector in France will be deployed from 2025 under the aegis of regional health agencies (ARS), with the ambition “to offer a quality diagnostic response in each territory, for children and adults alike”.
Better support people and their families
A practical guide to parental guidance, for “help parents better understand their child’s development, without making them feel guilty”, will be published in 2025. Objective: to enable professionals and families to identify the most useful tools.
A national group of experts specializing in TND, which can be mobilized throughout the country, has been set up. It aims to strengthen and support local ARS inspection and control teams.
In connection with the 50,000 solutions plan (Disability: 50,000 new solutions, Attal specifies!), the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) was tasked with carrying out a mission to evaluate the guidance and support for the individual journeys of children and young people placed in EMIs.
Supporting education and student life
From now on, all TNDs are concerned by self-regulation at school, which entered middle and high schools for the first time in September 2024. 326 autism nursery education units (UEMA) and 158 units of Autism elementary education (UEEA) are available and 74 schools, 26 middle schools and 5 high schools benefit from self-regulation. In total, there are currently 589 devices supporting more than 4,900 students with TND (New devices for TND students… insufficient?).
The commitment of universities and colleges continues through the signing of the Atypie Friendly charter (27 signatories by the end of 2024) already allowing more than 50% of university students to benefit from support adapted if they wish.
Increased consideration of young adults
In France, it is generally accepted that less than 10% of autistic people with associated DID are professionally integrated. From 2025, a new national system will be deployed in the territories, under the aegis of the ARS and in partnership with the departmental councils. It will allow severely autistic people, wishing to work in an ordinary environment, to achieve their full potential, while at the same time offering them support towards housing solutions.
A guide to help recruit neuroatypical people will be distributed in the first quarter of 2025 to business federations and unions in order to raise awareness among employers.
Strengthen awareness and information
A guide aimed at proposing simple actions to facilitate the accessibility of places of culture is planned for 2025.
More than 200 notaries have volunteered to be made aware of TND and to provide free advice throughout France to all families with a parent concerned in order to anticipate “after oneself”.
The Autism House in Aubervilliers is continuing awareness-raising, public information and professional training activities, by associating the 26 autism resource centers (CRA) and by deploying the first cross-training courses, bringing together medico-social professionals and of National Education (New Autism House: a unique space in France).
The interministerial delegation to TND is launching the first congress dedicated to diagnostic issues, bringing together all the centers of excellence in January 2025.
Let us recall that Parliament was also mobilized since it definitively adopted, on November 5, 2024, a text aimed in particular at strengthening the identification of autism and support for the students concerned (TND: Parliament adopts a text to improve tracking).
Things are moving…enough?
“All rights of reproduction and representation reserved.© Handicap.fr. This article was written by Cassandre Rogeret, journalist Handicap.fr”
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